Six fantastic stories featuring the popular Project X characters - Max, Cat, Ant and Tiger - plus a new micro-friend, Nok the alien! Fully decodable, with small steps of phonic progression to ensure early reading success, these books are ideal for independent reading.
Titles included:
Project X: Alien Adventures: Blue: Cat's Painting
Project X: Alien Adventures: Blue: It's Too Hot!
Project X: Alien Adventures: Blue: Helter-Skelter
Project X: Alien Adventures: Blue: Funfair Fun
Project X: Alien Adventures: Blue: A Shock For Nok
Project X: Alien Adventures: Blue: Goal!
- Action-packed stories by top authors
- Fully decodable
- Small steps of phonic progression to ensure early reading success
- Genuine boy appeal
- Funky 3D look and feel
- Detailed inside cover notes